Perspectives 2022 du crédit en Asie avec IFR Asia et Alan Roch, Responsable du crédit en Asie-Pacifique
Alan Roch, Responsable du crédit en Asie-Pacifique pour Crédit Agricole CIB, a présenté les éléments clés à surveiller en 2022 lors de la table ronde d’IFR Asia sur les perspectives du crédit en Asie.
Since the start of the year, issuers and investors have been dealing with a lot of factors including rising US Treasury yield, China-centric events as well as a rise in cost of issuance. In IFR Asia's roundtable on Outlook for Asian Credit, Alan Roch, Head of Credit Asia-Pacific for Crédit Agricole CIB, shed light on the key elements to watch out in 2022: adapt issuance strategies to an uncertain market backdrop, understand the development of the Asia investor base and expect unstoppable momentum in ESG. Read the IFR Asia’s article “Poor visibility: webcast highlights” here Will open in a new tab . [This roundtable took place on February 22, two days before the start of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, worsening market conditions further.]
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